News in the Spotlight

Presale for BMPK 2024: Limited tickets with 40% blind bird discount

Yeehaw, the presale for BMPK 2024 has started! Being quick pays off, because there's a whopping 40 percent blind bird discount on the first 200 tickets. You'll never get tickets this cheap again! But beware, the contingent is limited. First come, first served!

Save 40 % now

By the way: The program for next year is already being planned, and this much can be revealed: It will be adventurous! Under the motto "Wild Wild Best" we will saddle up the horses and take you into the fearless world of IT pioneers! We will start with numerous trainings and workshops at the Pre-Congress from May 13 to 15. This will be followed by the big Expo and the main Congress with its Western highlights from May 15 to 17, 2024.

Best equipped for business: How TOGAF® drives companies forward

The new TOGAF®10th Edition trainings are here! "The Open Group Architecture Framework" enables a holistic view of companies, and that has many advantages in our digitalized business world!

In our latest blog post, we reveal how TOGAF catapults organizations forward - and why certification is worth your while.

Read now

Only in August: 20 % on all trainings

Until the end of the month, you can save on your training with our summer promotion: You currently get a 20 percent discount on all SERVIEW training courses that take place in August. And this is how it works:

  • Go to and click on "Portal Login" in the upper right corner
  • Log in with and the password "sommeraktion".
  • Choose your training at the best price.

By the way: The 20 percent special offer price also applies to our audit insurance.

To the trainings

Good news: Many live online trainings now also in English

Do you already know our English live online trainings? This is particularly interesting for all those who are involved in international business or who want to break new ground in terms of language. Our English training courses take place at European times and are marked with the blue abbreviation EN in the schedule. Just take a look at the live online course of your choice - and experience ITIL®, Scrum, PRINCE2® & Co. in English!

Discover trainings

New heroes for SERVIEW: Welcome to the stage of success!

In the last few weeks, our team has grown considerably, and we have welcomed a dozen new SERVIEW heroes. We are thrilled that so many people want to actively support us - in the sales team, as consultants or trainers!
They all came to SERVIEW in different ways - some through personal referrals, others through our training courses, and still others we were able to convince through our corporate philosophy and energetic communication. We think it's great that you're on fire for SERVIEW. Because we are too!

If you also want to rock the working world with us: Take a look at our advertised jobs! From apprenticeships to junior jobs to manager or senior consultant: Maybe your heart's desire is among them?

Discover jobs

Agile and project management

Changes in Scrum Trainings: Now even faster to the goal

Become a Scrum Master or Product Owner in record time - this is now possible with our new compact training. Here you will learn all the important contents in just two days. It doesn't get any faster than that! We do not separate the content of Scrum Master and Product Owner, because we believe that if you want to become a Scrum Master, you also need to know what a Product Owner does - and vice versa. That's why you get knowledge about both roles. Before the training, you determine which exam you want to take: Scrum Master, Product Owner or both. In any case, you will be fully prepared afterwards.

If you want to take a little more time and benefit from demonstrative practical exercises, choose our three-day Extended course. New for all Scrum trainings: Before booking, you have to decide whether you want to take your exam at PeopleCert or at In this way, we can optimally tailor the learning content to your exam, because each exam provider has a different focus.

Discover Scrum Trainings




Best Practice Basics
PRINCE2® and PRINCE2® Agile: What are the differences?

Both project management methods are based on the same framework concept. But there are important differences between the two approaches:

PRINCE2 stands for Projects In Controlled Environments. The classic project management method provides a structured approach to the organization, risk assessment, phase planning and resource management of projects. PRINCE2 is divided into various processes, topics and principles that cover the entire project management.

PRINCE2 Agile is an extension of PRINCE2 that integrates agility into the method. PRINCE2 Agile combines the clear structures of PRINCE2 with the agile practices from software development. The goal of PRINCE2 Agile is to provide the best of both worlds and create a flexible, yet well-controlled project environment.

Some of the key differences between PRINCE2 and PRINCE2 Agile are:

  • Agile elements: PRINCE2 Agile complements the PRINCE2 method with agile concepts such as iterative development, continuous delivery, and adaptation to changing requirements. This enables the team to adapt to unpredictable situations while taking the project context into account.
  • Scalability: PRINCE2 Agile is suitable for projects of varying size and complexity. It can also be used in a portfolio of projects to ensure a consistent approach.
  • Flexibility: PRINCE2 is more formal and structured, while PRINCE2 Agile offers more flexibility and adaptability to meet the needs of agile projects.
  • Roles: PRINCE2 Agile introduces new roles such as the Agile Coach to ensure that the project team properly understands and applies Agile practices.

It is important to note that the choice between PRINCE2 and PRINCE2 Agile depends on the specific requirements and character of the project in question. Both methods can be suitable for different project scenarios and provide project managers with tools to successfully manage their projects.

The classic method is particularly suitable for projects that ...

  • are designed for short periods of time,
  • have clearly defined goals,
  • presuppose a fixed output,
  • take place under concrete, predictable conditions and
  • get by without sudden changes.

The agile variant is ideal for projects ...

  • without clearly defined output,
  • Have vague requirements or are characterized by frequent changes
  • and start with a vision that is allowed and expected to evolve over the course of the project.

You want to dive deeper into the topic? In our rousing trainings you can get to know both PRINCE2 versions.

Let's go


Service Management

Hurray for us: SERVIEW has twelve ITIL®4 Masters

Time to celebrate - and celebrate us! There are no less than twelve ITIL masters in our SERVIEW team. We are incredibly proud of this, because the ITIL 4-Master is the highest title in the ITIL Framework. More is not possible! ITIL 4-Masters are the true heroes of the IT world, because they master the artful symbiosis of strategic thinking and operational excellence - and create transformative IT solutions that take companies to unimagined heights.

Of course, you can do that too!

Your way to the crown

By the way: In the webinar "All about ITIL 4-Master" we explain how to achieve the highest of all ITIL awards. You can find more info at the bottom of the Events section!

Press release: You can be proud of yourselves!

It's no secret: ITIL® is our hobbyhorse. SERVIEW and ITIL belong together, it's a perfect match! In May, we presented the first three ITIL masters to the world at the BMPK, freshly awarded and celebrated as heroes. And rightly so! I am all the more overwhelmed that we at SERVIEW now have a dozen ITIL Masters in our own ranks: Twelve experts who have mastered the demanding challenge with flying colors and now carry the highest of all ITIL awards. I heartily congratulate my colleagues on this title. It is great to have such a talented and motivated team. You should be proud of yourselves!

Yours Michael Kresse
Managing Director and Owner SERVIEW GmbH

Knowledge to watch: The ITSM video library is now available as an additional package.

40 videos with a total of 300 minutes of technical input: Anyone who books an ITIL 4 Foundation or an ITIL 4 Foundation Update can now purchase our comprehensive ITSM video library as an additional package.

The SERVIEW ITSM Video Library is the premium online reference work consisting of 40 professional videos on the entire IT Service Management. The library was produced by SERVIEW in Germany with the highest effort and is unique in the world. For 99 Euro you get 365 days access to this library and can refresh your knowledge 24/7 - no matter when and where.

Request now

Agile Lean Service Management: The Key to Greater Efficiency

Service organizations today are under considerable pressure to deliver their services efficiently. In doing so, they must take into account mega-trends such as digitization, Industry 4.0, new technologies, and rapidly changing conditions in markets and companies. In addition, the nature of collaboration between customers and service organizations is changing: Customers demand full transparency and proof of value creation. At the same time, customer requirements are growing steadily and taking on dynamic structures at the core - the customer wants to have a say.

How can all these complex challenges be overcome? Agile, lean and service management approaches, when combined, offer solid added value.

Lean Service Management is a philosophy that uses resources carefully and according to plan, while at the same time increasing the quality of services and products and motivating employees - through self-controlling and team-oriented working methods, combined with agile approaches.

This is done in that ...

  • organizational approaches to employee self-direction are improved, 
  • agile working within heterogeneous teams and their cooperation promotes interdepartmental exchange and dissolves "hierarchical silos",
  • the required service processes are harmonized and continuously improved from a LEAN point of view and
  • a central and continuous change process (change management) takes place with the involvement of employees.

A philosophy of continuous improvement

Lean service management combines the core aspects of the lean approach with the fundamental customer- and service-oriented principles and processes of service management. Lean translates as "lean" and behind it lies the philosophy of continuous and step-by-step improvement. The focus is on customer orientation - in close connection with the factors of quality and time.

The core ideas of Lean Service Management are underpinned by the following key principles:

  • Focus on services where the customer sees added value.
  • Alignment of all service processes with the customer - and not the other way around.
  • Encouraging and requiring all employees to think for themselves within the service organization, involving employees at all levels and allowing them to act on their own responsibility.
  • Establish a culture of shared learning and open feedback to continuously improve the entire service organization.
  • Implementation of visual management tools to make problems and waste in service processes quickly visible and solvable.

What does agile working mean in the context of lean service management?

Active, motivated, and enthusiastic employees and managers are committed to eliminating unnecessary tasks and work steps and instead building up energy for increasing the company's success. This leads to greater efficiency with regard to the development, provision and operation of services. Employee self-organization and personal responsibility also play a major role.

Agile working and Lean Service Management are built on the following common principles:

1. high customer orientation. This means ensuring that both employee and customer satisfaction is expanded.

2. process efficiency by avoiding waste: New ways and processes are defined and changes are initiated.

3. dynamism and focus: the aim is to achieve tangible improvements for the customer.

4. team building: Ideas for improvement using agile methods are developed and implemented, for example, by integrated performance teams as an organizational unit.

Agile Lean Service Management thus represents an integrating management philosophy that requires fundamental cultural change and relies increasingly on systemic change management as a core building block - combined with agile approaches and methods of organizational design and management. The formula applies here: Agile Lean Service Management = Service Capabilities x Agile Organizational and Leadership Structures x Lean Methods.

Service organizations that become aware of the potential inherent in this combined application and implement it as part of their organizational change will be successful in contributing to the overall success of the business.


How to Implement Service Management: DO

We already took the first planning step in the last issue and set SMART goals for our service management implementation. Now it's time to turn all those plans and concepts into reality - we're getting down to business.

An orderly rollout with a sense of proportion is critical to the success of this phase of the project. No plan, no matter how good, can be implemented one-to-one. Active support of all employees involved and affected is essential. New ways of working are initially cumbersome and uncomfortable. Employees must be guided and encouraged to persevere through this phase and learn the changed processes so that they become normal.

The previously planned short-term successes and potential benefits must be consciously communicated so that motivation does not fall to continue to be actively involved in the project. Medium-term successes promote confidence in your project and convey the feeling that the processes introduced are working. Intensive communication in conjunction with flexible and professional project management helps to address all necessary measures in a coordinated manner.

A culture of the open door

Many questions arise only now, as your employees start to actually work in their process roles. Therefore, it is important to provide intensive coaching during this phase and not to leave the responsible process owners, process managers and process staff alone. Support your employees specifically in this critical phase if you don't want your teams to fall back into old ways of doing things and dismiss your project as typical "consultant cupboard goods".

In order to be able to guarantee the necessary support at all times, a culture of open doors and constant honest exchange has proven its worth. Make it exciting for your employees to take on the new challenge - the project must be fun overall, even if it often means extra work and uncertainty at first.

The project team is particularly challenged to promote this culture. No one can expect everything to work flawlessly as planned right from the start. You must actively accompany your employees, protect them from the worst failures at the beginning and then release them step by step into their new freedom. This includes praising small successes, but also reacting with understanding in the event of failures. Success will only come with practice, so it is important to encourage and challenge in a well-placed manner.

Criticism as potential for improvement

In addition to a helping hand, it is also necessary to implement the new procedures and processes in the face of resistance. This requires the special involvement of the management team already established in step 2. From the very beginning, it is important to measure the performance of the new processes and adjust them as necessary. Encourage your employees to actively participate in continuous improvement. To this end, critical comments must also be taken seriously. However, also communicate unambiguously how you will accept the criticism - namely as potential for improvement, not as an accepted reason for not adopting the new process.

Just like the previous step PLAN and the following two phases CHECK and ACT, this part of the service management project will repeat itself during the implementation. In this way, you can ensure that all processes are gradually introduced and securely anchored in the organization.

Planning is not easy - and implementing it is even more difficult. That's why we're happy to assist you with all the necessary steps of your ITSM implementation. Our experienced consultants have successfully supported countless companies in the introduction of service management in over 20 years. Feel free to contact us!

Arrange a free initial consultation


Tool searched? Found it with our help!

So many software tools, so many manufacturers - how to choose? Quite simple:

1. come to the ITIL®-TOOL MEETUP in Frankfurt, Hamburg or Munich!

At this event, you will only meet manufacturers of ATV-certified tools. This means that we have already pre-selected the industry champions for you from the numerous ITIL solutions. At the MEETUP, you will get to know the top manufacturers up close and personal and be able to ask them your individual questions. A real help in the decision-making process!

2. look for the ATV seal of approval!

ITIL Accredited Tool Vendor (ATV) is the world's official and only accreditation program for software vendors of ITIL4 compliant tools. SERVIEW developed it together with rights holder PeopleCert. The seal of approval is proof of excellent quality and ITIL compatibility: Vendors that bear this distinction meet the highest standards in the industry. As a customer, you can be 100 percent sure with these tools that you are investing in solutions that drive efficiency, innovation, and growth.



ITIL®-TOOL MEETUP 2023: Welcome to the battle!

Live in three cities: In the fall, we are once again hosting the ITIL®-TOOL MEETUP - and you are cordially invited. Experience the bubbling energy and find the software that perfectly fits your organization!

What to expect in Frankfurt, Hamburg and Munich:

  • Entertaining speed dating format
  • Leading tool manufacturers worldwide with whom you can exchange information at eye level
  • Six sessions in which you will receive a compact overview within 45 minutes

And best of all: Participation is free of charge! What are you waiting for?

Be there


Free webinars: Ready for the TOOL-MEETUP

For your speed dating with the top manufacturers, good preparation is everything. We take you by the hand and tell you how to get the most out of it!

From the participating partners to the event schedule to the types of questions you should bring to get the most out of the event: Learn everything you need to know in advance in our webinar "Ready to go for TOOL-MEETUP".

Join us on Thursday, August 24 from 11:00 to 12:00 or on Tuesday, September 12 from 10:00 to 11:00. It's worth taking a look, online and free of charge, of course!

Register for the August webinar

Register for the September webinar


Your way to certification: Everything about the ITIL® 4 Master

The new ITIL® certification scheme is here - and with it lots of questions that Björn Hinrichs will answer for you personally in the webinar on September 14: How do you achieve the highest award, ITIL Master? What is the new title ITIL Practice Manager all about? What brand-new extension modules can we expect this year? And what are the updated recertification regulations? All answers will be given on September 14 from 11:00 a.m., be there!

Register now

The next issue will be published on

September 14, 2023