Our Managing Successful Programs (MSP) trainings and dates in Nuremberg
In the charming city of Nuremberg, famous for its irresistible gingerbread, the art of craftsmanship and perfection comes alive. Just as gingerbread makers strive to shape each pastry with care and precision, the principles of Managing Successful Programs (MSP), which are at the heart of our unique trainings in Nuremberg, embody these values.
MSP is like the careful preparation of gingerbread. Every detail, from selecting the right ingredients to baking at the perfect temperature, contributes to the end result - a successful program. In our MSP trainings, you'll learn how to effectively coordinate and manage multiple projects to achieve common goals and create positive change in your organization.
Each of our training sessions is like a guided tour of a gingerbread workshop. You will learn how to master the various "ingredients" of a program - such as governance, risk management and stakeholder engagement - to achieve a successful outcome.
We are currently unable to offer any guaranteed dates for this training course. To view potential dates, please deactivate the 'Guaranteed dates only' option. If you are interested in one of the proposed dates and would like us to organize it for you, please contact us for a personal consultation.
You can reach us via the contact form on our website, by e-mail to education@serview.de or by telephone on +49 (0) 6172 177 44 60.