Our COBIT trainings and dates in Leipzig
Think of the charming alleys of Leipzig, telling stories from different ages, and you will get a picture of what COBIT - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies - can do for your organization. This is the focus of our unique trainings in Leipzig.
COBIT is like a skilled storyteller, providing a clear and comprehensive overview of the complex aspects of your IT governance. In our COBIT trainings, you will learn how to effectively control and manage your organization's IT resources to meet and exceed your organization's strategic goals.
Each of our training sessions is like a history lesson, teaching you how to define your IT governance objectives, manage risk, and maximize the value of your IT investments. You'll learn how to monitor and manage IT performance to ensure your technology supports business objectives.
We are currently unable to offer any guaranteed dates for this training course. To view potential dates, please deactivate the 'Guaranteed dates only' option. If you are interested in one of the proposed dates and would like us to organize it for you, please contact us for a personal consultation.
You can reach us via the contact form on our website, by e-mail to education@serview.de or by telephone on +49 (0) 6172 177 44 60.