As an Accredited Training Organization (ATO), we purchase the exams from examination providers such as PeopleCert. Unfortunately, they have increased their prices again for 2025 - but we have decided not to pass these additional costs on to you.
This means: No price increase for exams for training courses such as ITIL®, PRINCE2®, Scrum, ISTQB® and many more!
We believe that examination costs are already high enough and want to provide you with the best possible support in your quest for certification. That is why the prices for our examinations will remain stable in 2025 - despite the increase in purchase prices. With this decision, we are setting an example of fairness and customer orientation. High-quality examinations should remain accessible to all, without additional financial burdens.
Thank you for placing your trust in us. Together we will make your certification goals possible in 2025!
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