Everything you need to know about PeopleCert exams - our new FAQ is online!

Everything you need to know about PeopleCert exams - our new FAQ is online!

At SERVIEW, we know how important it is to be optimally prepared for your certification exam. That's why we have created a comprehensive FAQ page for you, which clearly summarizes all the important information about the PeopleCert exams.

What can you expect in our new FAQ?

Our FAQ answers all key questions about your exam, including:

  • How do I register for the exam?
  • What are the technical requirements?
  • How do I prepare my exam room optimally?
  • What should I consider 24 hours and 2 hours before the exam?
  • What steps can I expect on the day of the exam?

We also give you valuable tips on how to avoid technical hurdles and pass your exam stress-free.

Important note: PeopleCert conducts the examinations

SERVIEW is your reliable partner for training and preparation, but the exams themselves are provided and conducted by PeopleCert. If you have technical questions or problems during the exam, PeopleCert support is available around the clock.

Find out more now!

Take a look at our new FAQ and be well prepared for your exam: Click here 

Do you have any questions or need support? Our team at SERVIEW is always there for you. Together we will ensure that your certification is a success!


Do you have any questions about our services or would you like a quote?

Germany: +49 (0) 6172 1774460 (daily 07.00 - 22.00)
United Kingdom: +44 (0) 20 45770700 (daily 07.00 - 22.00)
United States: +1 (646) 537 7672

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