Dear training participants,

for all SERVIEW employees it is very important if you share your impressions and experiences about your SERVIEW training with us. Your opinion can also be very important to potential participants in a SERVIEW training. For this reason, we would appreciate it if you would take a moment to fill out the evaluation form. Thank you.

Note: Please be sure to use the comment box with heading to share your personal experiences with us in prose.

Mandatory fields are marked with *.

Your rating *

1 star = insufficient, 5 stars = very good

The following points are purely for internal quality improvement and are not part of your feedback on our website (if permitted by you).

For the scales 1-5, 1 stands for "unsatisfactory" and 5 for "very good" or 1 for "does not apply at all" and 5 for "fully applies".

1. general satisfaction

Would you recommend this training to others?

2. contents of the training

Did you achieve the objectives of the training?

How do you rate the relevance of the content taught?

Was the content presented in a well-structured and comprehensible way?

3. methodology and materials

How would you rate the methods used (e.g. type of presentation, group work, exercises)?

Were the materials provided (e.g. workbook, slides, handouts) helpful?

4. trainer

How would you rate the competence of the trainer?

Was the content conveyed in an entertaining and understandable way?

How well was the trainer able to answer questions?

5 Organization and general conditions

How satisfied were you with the organization of the training (e.g. schedule, communication)? (Scale from 1 to 5)

Were the premises/technical conditions appropriate?

Were the schedules and breaks organized appropriately?

I agree that my name and company, if applicable, will be displayed when my review is published on